VSLogger Monitor - Live Monitoring Tab
The current status of the recorded channels is shown here. Only channels to which your account has access permission displayed here. There are three views available (see selection control at top right bar ):
- Details (Grid) - Details Grid view is similar to a table list view. Channels are displayed in rows and columns represent data available for the specific channel.
- Large Icons (List) - List view displays each voice channel in its own status. It is a more graphical and simplistic representation of all the available voice channels.
- DeskTops - List view displays status of the configured Desk Tops ( Desk Top Assistant software installed on call center agent workstation). It is a graphical representation of the voice and screen capture channels associated with workstation. Note: This view available only with VSLogger ver. and newer
The channel colors show their status: green is actively streaming, red is recording, and grey is disabled.
Details (Grid) View:
In the Channel Column a button will be visible along with the Channel #. Clicking this button will bring up the available options for that specific channel:
- Monitor - Actively listen to channel
- Recall - See Quick Recall below for more details
- Record - If channel is not recording, manually start recording.
- Mute - Insert silence. This is intended to aid in PCI compliance.
- Edit Note - Add text to the Note field
- Flag - Add a flag to the active call. Ideal for filtering specific calls in search results.
- Disable - Disable channel
- Info - Displays available info regarding the specific channel
Note: Your account must have proper permissions to perform these operations.

Large Icons (List) View:
List view is a simplistic visual layout of your channels. Each PHONE icon represents a channel. Clicking the phone icon will bring up your available options similar to GRID VIEW.

DeskTops View:
Note: This view available only with VSLogger ver. and newer
DeskTop PHONE icon represents a voice(telephone) channel. DeskTop SCREEN icon represents Screen Capture channel. Clicking the phone icon will bring up your available options similar to GRID VIEW.
Each desktop panel also contains:
- Currently signed in user id
- Voice Channel controlled by this workstation
- Workstation ID
Quick Search (Lower Window Panel)
To perform a Quick Search for recent recordings:
- Select channel(s) by click the check-box next to the channel.
- Choose a time range from drop down (ie. Last 15 minutes, Last 30 minutes, Last 1 hour)
- Click Search Icon. (Note: if no channels are selected, then all channels will be shown in results)
Search results are displayed below. By default, results are sorted by earliest to latest.
Results also may be sorted by clicking the appropriate column header.
Results are paginated by default. Up to 100 results can be displayed per page.
To listen to a recording, click on the CHANNEL button. Menu options will appear:
- Play -Click to playback recording. Recording will open and play in Audio Playback Control panel
- Download - Download recording in WAV format to desktop
- Flag - Flag call
- Edit - Edit/Create note for call
- Delete - Delete recording
Note: Your account must have proper permissions to perform these operations.

Create Evaluation (Bottom of Play Panel)
When clicked, all calls in the playlist will be graded. As long as they are from the same day.
If you only want one call evaluated, have one call in your playlist.
QC Evaluation Pop Up Screen
- The calls selected will be displayed in the popup.
- Select Agent to be Evaluated (Agents are pulled from the Call Center Agents Group which is setup under the Administrators General section)
- QC Form: Select QC form to attach and grade for the selected recordings. QC forms are created under FORMS in QC.
- After clicking SUBMIT. The recording as well as the evaluation will be copied to the QC module in Adutante under the Evaluation tab.