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Date Last ModifiedFor VSLogger configuration purposes, the term analog channel refers to recording ports of the analog voice boards such as AudioCodes SmartWorks analog boards or Synway analog voice boards. These boards can be used to record from different analog audio sources, such as:
The following steps assumed to be completed prior configuration described in this section:
CLI (Command Line Interface) |
GUI (Graphical User Interface) |
AudioCodes SmartWorks analog boards (hw smart) channels |
For this example, we assume that Administrator enabled only hw smart, and recorder has single 4 channel analog board (LDAXXXX) installed in the system. After the VSLogger software reload, Administrator can expect following channel list.
1) Click on the dropdown window near the gear icon on the top right 2) Click setup 3) Click Channels 4) Click on the dropdown near the hardware you have enabled |
Open Individual channel in configuration mode. |
Click Edit on the channel to be configured |
Display current channel setting.
Enable: enables/disables recording channel Name: Channel label/description identifier License Group: Dynamic License group, fixed licenses use “None” Compression: Recording file compression (mlaw, adpcm, gsm) Gain: Recording volume (db) AGC: Automatic Gain Control Source: Recording source (phone, radio, mic) VOX Parameters: Threshold High: VOX activity higher than this threshold for a duration longer than specified by “Min Activity” will activate recording with VOX start/stop events. Threshold Low: VOX activity lower than this threshold for a duration longer than specified by “Max Silence” will stop recording with VOX start/stop events. Max Silence: This parameter specifies how many seconds of silence before the recording ends. If VOX levels are less than "Low threshold" for this amount of time, stop recording will be triggered. Min Activity: This parameter specifies how many seconds of activity before the recording begins. If VOX levels are greater than "High threshold" for this amount of time, recording will be triggered.
Display configuration commands available for this channel.
For details about parameters common to all types of channels - refer to config channel Common Parameters |
Enabled: enable/disable verification mode Play Prompt: Play “Welcome” verification prompt before recording Check ID: Check Interactive Voice Recording (IVR) ID Check PIN: Check Interactive Voice Recoding (IVR) pin code ID1: Account reference number 1 ID2: Account reference number 2 Allow Resubmit: Allows reference number to be resubmitted Get Offhook: Gets offhook recording channel Generate Verification Number: Generates verification number after recording is done Play Verification Number: Plays verification number after recording is done (never, once, twice) Stop Key: Stop recording when key is pressed Volume: Playback volume of verification prompts |
Parameters specific to this channel type (LDAXXX) only
LDAXXX boards provide the user the ability to set the thresholds of voltage high and voltage low. This allows the custom definition of the three loop voltage states ABOVE, BELOW, and MIDDLE (e.g. ONHOOK, |
Line Voltage: Voltages detected above/below this threshold will cause a trigger start/stop events Ignore Line Voltage: Ignore Voltage detection, useful for radio and microphone
AudioCodes Voltage Parameters: High Voltage: High voltage threshold for on/off hook events Low Voltage: Low voltage threshold for on/off hook events Debounce Time: debounce time for ring and loop events |
Synway analog boards (hw shcti) channelsFor this example, we assume that Administrator enabled only hw shcti, and recorder has single 8 channel analog board (ATPXXXX) installed in the system. After reload, Administrator can expect following channel list.
cli>(config) |
Actions can be set for each of the following events: Busytone: busy tone detected Dialtone: dial tone detected DTMF: DTMF sequence detected External: external event detected Loopdrop: loop drop event detected (analog channels only, POTS) Looponoff: loop on/off event detected (analog channels only, POTS) Ring: ring event detected Vox: Vox/Radio event detected
START: Begin recording STOP: Stop recording SET: input a parameter for “Key”, “Value”, or “Ref” MUTEON: Begin muting current recording MUTEOFF: Stop muting current recording Action Parameters (optional): Key: D-channel or DTMF, DTMF, button, led, or lookup value Field: D-channel only, set recording field: Caller ID, Dialed Number, Note, Session ID, Extension, or Direction Value: D-channel only, set recording field value Ref: D-channel only, action reference, links “start” and “stop” actions Beep Parameters: Beep: enables/disables beeping Period: Duration between Beeps (seconds) Frequency: what the frequency of the beep is (MHz) Length: How long the beep lasts (milliseconds) Volume: how loud the beep is (db) |
Display current channel setting.
cli>(config-ch_1) |
Display configuration commands available for this channel.
For details about parameters common to all types of channels - refer to config channel Common Parameters