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Date Last ModifiedPAGE TITLE
Date Last ModifiedAdutante Server Modules usually added in pairs: User Module and Administration Module
Modules installed in specific Adutante instance defined in ../adutante/config/adumodules.properties file
User Module - Role of General User Module plays Adutante Home Page. Home Page is the main destination, when Adutante cannot determine actual URL destination or when the destination is not accessible to the current user. The homepage lists all available User Modules, mirroring the content of Module Selection control of the Top Control Bar
General Administration module provides following features :
Default Installation Folder | C:\Versadial\Adutante |
Installation Main Subfolders Content |
<install folder>\applications\adutante - adutante application folder <install folder>\applications\config - adutante configuration files and translation bundles <install folder>\applications\data - seed database content <install folder>\applications\entitydef - database schema
<install folder>\framework\config - Adutante SSL certificate location, see SSL Certificates |
Program Data and Database Locations |
Adutante data location configured in \applications\config\adutante.properties file. For example: adutante.mainstorage.path=d:/adutantedata/ adutante.backup.folder=d:/adutantedata/backups/ <adutante.mainstorage.path>/recordings - folder automatically created for QC recordings cache. Recordings uploaded for QC
<install folder>\runtime\data\derby - default location for Adutante Database |
Database | Apache Derby (default). Attention!: While framework used by Adutante server can be configured with MySQL, MS SQL, ORACLE and others( around 12 ), using different Database with Adutanate Call Recoding package is not recommended. Versadial Support desk will not help to troubleshoot issues related to Adutante Database other than Apache Derby. |
Default Administrator Log-in |
user: admin password: adutante |
Password Reset Procedure |
Set in <install folder>\applications\config\on_start.properties adu.onstart.resetadminpsswd=Y (Open with notepad)
Attention!: While framework used by Adutante server can be configured with MySQL, MS SQL, ORACLE and others( around 12 ), using different Database with Adutanate Call Recoding package is not recommended. Versadial Support desk will not help to troubleshoot issues related to Adutante Database other than Apache Derby.
Adutante uses Apache Ofbiz framework, so Apache Ofbiz documentation can be used as a reference for some of the configuration.
Step 1 - create databases
C:\mysql-5.5.23-winx64\bin>mysql -u root
mysql>create database ofbiz;
mysql>create database ofbizolap;
mysql>create database ofbiztenant;
mysql>use mysql;
mysql>select database();
mysql>create user ofbiz@localhost;
mysql>create user ofbiztenant@localhost;
mysql>update user set password=PASSWORD("ofbiz") where User='ofbiz';
mysql>update user set password=PASSWORD("ofbiztenant") where User='ofbiztenant';
mysql>grant all privileges on *.* to 'ofbiz'@localhost identified by 'ofbiz';
mysql>grant all privileges on *.* to 'ofbiztenant'@localhost identified by 'ofbiztenant';
Use Aduatante / General Administration / Tools/ Backup to export all data to XML:
1. Stop Adutante server
2. Create a backup of <install folder>/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml
3. Edit entityengine.xml as follows:
a. Update the following datasources
<datasource name=
"localmysql" ....
<datasource name=
"localmysqltenant" ...
or (for MS SQL)
<datasource name="localmssql" ..
<datasource name=
"localmssqltenant" ...
b. Replace derby with mysql in default delegators as follows:
<delegator name=
1. run batch file <install folder>/tools/builddb.bat
1. see Password Reset Procedure in the section above
2. Use Aduatante / General Administration / Tools/ Backup to restore latest backup
3. Restart Adutante service