WinPcap Drivers
Install from: CD:\drivers\WinPcap\WinPcap_4_1_3.exe
Note: This driver installation is required for Passive VOIP recording
or from
WinPcap is required to be installed prior to AudioCodes drivers.
VoIP Recording Hardware
NIC: Ethernet (10/100/1000) Network card (NIC). If recording VoIP, please ensure the NIC is able to use promiscuous mode.
If VoIP traffic is on a separate LAN or VLAN, or your switch is not able to both mirror and direct traffic, than dual NIC is required (see CD:\docs/voip_site_checklist.pdf).
AudioCodes SmartWORKS Drivers
Note: Make sure to install latest WinPCap driver (see above), prior to installing SmartWorks driver
Check, if you using a 32 or 64 bit OS, and select correct drivers.
How to check:
Click the Windows orb (Start) and then right click ‘Computer’ and select ‘Properties’.
In the main window, under system, it will tell you the ‘System type’.
To start the installation, double click the selected version (32 or 64 bit).
Files located at CD:\drivers\SmartWorks
- AudioCodes Inc. SmartWORKS590-64bit.msi
- AudioCodes Inc. SmartWORKS590-32bit.msi
Follow installation programs steps.
Extra Notes for installation process:
- During installation, a popup should let you know you’ve installed a newer version of WinPcap. Click ‘OK’ to accept.
- Windows security will ask if you’d like to install, click the ‘Install’ button. The installation will now continue…
- You may see a Window ‘SmartWF [Unattended mode]’ ignore this, as it’s updating boards firmware, if needed.
At the end of the installation, click the ‘Finish’ button and you’re done.
At this point, it’s recommended to restart your PC.
Synway Drivers
Step 1: Launch the Driver installation: C:\Versadial Files\drivers-docs\Synway\SYNWAY_PCI(USB)_5410_EN.exe
- Follow steps
- At the ‘Select Features’ window, select Typical, and click Next.
- The default installation path is: "C:\Shcti " click Next.
- Click Yes to allow the application to make the folder.
- Leave the default: Compile or run 32bit application, Select this, (While your O.S may be 64 bit, our VSLogger Recording Application using this 32 bit driver). Click Next.
- It will install, scan for voice board(s) and complete installation.
- Click OK at final dialog. Boards configuration starts.
Step 2: Set your PBX
From your application menu, launch: ShCtiConfig.exe. Black w/ white S application icon, opens in the System Tray. Uncheck "Minimize dialog at the next start of this program" to have the program open in a window in the future.

- Under Board Settings you should see your card(s).
- Expand the sub-menu for your card.
- Select the phone options for your card.
- In this menu click the PBX Model dropdown list and make your selection.
- Once done, click "Apply". Wait for confirmation that settings have been saved.
- Click "OK".
- Click "Close".
Step 3: Configure the driver for your environment
- Highlight the board and click ‘Modify Board’, then use the drop down for Default Voice Format; U-Law is U.S/Canada/MX, A-Law is everywhere else.
- Check the channels used, and if the compression option is available, GSM is recommended.
- Click ‘Modify’ and at the top Apply – you should see configuration succeeds.
If analog phones phone only, driver configuration is complete. Close, and proceed to CLI configuration. All others, continue.
- For MIC lines or other analog audio lines, On the tree to the left, click ‘Analog Line Options’, on the right locate ‘Analog Record Channel’ box.
- In the box labeled ‘Ignore’, change any 0’s to 1’s for MIC or other analog audio lines (Analog Phone lines, should remain 0).
- Click ‘Apply at the top, and ‘Close’.
Analog channels configuration is complete. Close, and proceed to VSLogger configuration. For digital channels, continue.
- To configure Digital settings, on the left expand the tree, and highlight ‘Digital Phone Options’. Use the dropdown menu in the main window to ‘SetPbx’
- When finished Click ‘Apply at the top, and ‘Close’
Tool utilized to monitor any errors on channel(s). Best installed after recording card drivers installed.
- Stop Versadial Recording service (From VSMonitor, Logger Menu), or from MS Manager, services.
- Check that the boards are correctly recognized by the driver (Control Panel, SmartControl applet) and have the correct parameters. For NGX boards make sure to check the D-Channel events box. If you change any parameters, disable and re-enable the driver in Device Manager or reboot the system.
- Run the SmartView utility (Programs\Ai-logix\Smartworks\Smartview). Select the MTSysStartup menu item or press F2. On a correctly configured system, the Resource status for all channels should change from Closed To Open. Make a test call. Channel events should appear in the SmartView program window. For NGX boards, under the menu item Framer Statistics/MTGetNGXFramerStatistics - verify that there is amplitude on the line and there are no TE, NT or sync errors. NT value should also be greater than TE value. Each channel has a framer and you can get the values for each one individually by selecting a framer number. If errors exist then:
- PBX or phone (or phone add-on modules) may not be supported
- Verify cable lengths do not exceed AudioCodes recommendations. This information is posted on Online Help > Files & Documents > NGX Matrix.
- Check cable connections and wiring of the recording system. Correct any loose cables.
- Once cables are corrected, retest.
- If there are still errors, re-punch all connections on the affected channels.