Adutante H5/VSLogger H5 HTML API service.
Version 1 ( released with VSLogger ver., Feb 2015)
1. General Info
Entry Point
- <recorderhost>/api/v1
- <vsloggerhost>/api/v1
Collection Resources
- recordings
- channel-states
Individual Resources
HTTP Methods used
- GET (SELECT): Retrieve a specific Resource from the Server or a listing of Resources.
- POST (CREATE): Create a new Resource on the Server.
- DELETE (DELETE): Remove a Resource from the Server.
- OPTIONS – Retrieve information about what the Consumer is allowed to do with the Resource.
Versadial API Usage
Method |
Scope |
Semantics |
collection |
Retrieve all resources in a collection |
individual resource |
Retrieve a single resource |
collection, individual resource |
Create a new resource in a collection, Update a resource, Create query |
individual resource |
Delete a resource |
any |
Return available HTTP methods and other options |
Response Representation
Majority of the responses, returned as JSON object. Exception is binary downloads e.g. application/wav
Type |
Content-Type |
Wave file
Result JSON object Convention (Fail / Success )
if no exception occurs, result always should be JSON object
{status:xxx, data:object, errmessage: text message }
0 - success, data object contains operation response object, command specific
-1 - fail generic, with optional message
-2 - session problem (e.g. timeout , missing etc)
-3 -permission error ("Action not permitted!)
-4 -HASH error (with optional error message , if SECURITY HASH inabled)
data:object API call is specific and described in individual API method
2. Parameter/Content Passing
One or more parameter styles are supported by specific endpoint.
Name : <
Age : <
"Add User"
JSON:"POST",URL);//post/get and your URL
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json");
var param={
URL naming convention
- <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=resourcename - version 1 of API
- <recorderhost>/api/v2?res=resourcename - version 2 of API
SECURITY HASH naming feature and convention
API and API security hash should be enabled on VSLogger server.
Following parameters set on server (CLI tool, see VSLogger administration)
API_ENABLED: True/false
SALT: security string
If HASHTYPE not equeal to NONE, client requests should pass following parameters with URL Query
ss - client generated random string at min. 10 char, eg currentime in mills. As integer, represented as string
hh - HASH (ss+SALT+ resource) , corresponding hash value, as hex string
e.g. <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=channel-state&ss=1427319442972&hh=1f236849455ad2347...
3. API
3.1 channel-state and channel-states
Channel state is a collection of values associated with channel object at specific time. Most of the channel state values make sense only during call.
Changing some of the state values will result in actions performed on the recorder. e.g. record = true, starts recording on specific channel etc.
All supported and readable channel state values
- channel - channel number (1-256)
- start_tm - start time UTC ( milliseconds)
- direction - call direction (0- out, 1- in, 2 -unknown)
- caller_id - caller Id
- dialed -dialed number
- note - note
- extension - phone extension
- ch_name - channel description
- agent_id - agent id (Call center)
- client_id - client id (Call center)
- session_id - call session id
- source - source (0 - phone, )
- flag - flag ( 0-10) 0 - none
- campaign_id - campaign id (Call center)
- enable - enabled (true/false)
- record - recording (true/false)
- mute - muted (true/false)
- onoff - streaming/active (true/false)
States used as channel object selector
States changeable via API requests
- mute -true/false
- record -true/false
- enable -true/false
- dialed - Dialed number. Applicable only, if call is in progress
- caller_id - Caller ID . Applicable only, if call is in progress
- note - note. Applicable only, if call is in progress
- session_id - call session id. Applicable only, if call is in progress
- extension - phone extension
- flag - Flag (0-10)
- direction - Call Direction (0- out, 1- in, 2 -unknown)
3.1.1 GET all channel states command
GET <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=channel-states&optional security hash params
Result data: [{mute:false,record:false,enable:false....},{}, .. ]
array of objects for all channels [1..N]
3.1.2 GET channel state command
GET <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=channel-state&channel=N&optional security hash params
Result data: {mute:false,record:false,enable:false....}
Single object for requested channel N.
3.1.3 MUTE Commands (state resource)
Sample Channel state change e.g. Mute.
POST <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=channel-state&optional security hash params
Extra parameters passed as Form
- channel = channel number
- mute= true/false
one or more extra parameters.
- note = " Partially muted".
Result data:""
3.1.4 RECORD Commands (state resource)
Sample Channel state change e.g. Record.
POST <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=channel-state&optional security hash params
Extra parameters passed as Form
- channel= channel number
- record= true/false
one or more extra parameters.
Result data:""
3.1.5 ENABLE Commands (state resource)
Sample Channel state change e.g. Record.
POST <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=channel-state&optional security hash params
Extra parameters passed as Form
- channel= channel num,
- enable= true/false
3.2 recording and recordings
Recording object attributes, (Note: vslogger and adutante recording attributes may differ)
Adutante recording fields: refer to application/adutante/entitydef/entitymodel_recorders.xml , entity-name "recRecord"
VSLogger Recording DB record fields
- record_id (string) - serves as File name at the same time YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_CCC_0 (CCC - channel number as 003 etc, last .0 is stream label)
- archive_id (string) - archive id ("MAIN" for main dB, "NET" - for netshare) or Archive ID ( corresponds to dataset in requests )
- record_type (string) - VSL, WAV
- session_id (string) - call session id (for example sip CALLID tag)
- channel - (int) 1..256 () channel number
- ch_name - (string) channel description
- start_tm (int) - UTC // mills
- end_tm (int) - UTC //mills
- duration (int) - call duration mills.
- modified (int) - 0 not modified, 1 - modified ( audio modified)
- closed (int) - 0 - not closed ( in call or application hanged and did not close recording) 1 -closed
- flag (int)- 0-10 ... any defined flags
- direction (int) call direction (0 - out, 1 -in, 2 -unknown )
- agent_id (string) got from seating or NULL
- agent_name(string) - agent name
- client_id (string) - client id or NULL
- client_name (string) - client name
- campaign_id (string) - campaign id
- extension (string) - phone extension
- dialed (string) - dialed number
- caller_id (string) - caller id
- note (text) - note
dynamically generated fields(Not stored in DB) . Available since ver.4.9.6.X
- rec_ss (int) - sequence parameter used for access link/download recording URL generation
- rec_hh (text) - hash parameter used for access link/download recording URL generation
3.2.1 Find recordings ( search and paginated retrieve. HTML POST used to simplify parameter passing)
POST <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=recordings&optional security hash params
All parameters are optional, except draw .
- draw= 1..N integer generated by client. e.g. request number. Will be returned with response to simplify client handling of async requests. (required)
- dataset= MAIN or NET (optional, default is MAIN)
- channels= [0,1,10,11,14] (optional, default is all channels. NOTE: if channels parameter provided with empty array, empty result will be returned).
- from= time range start, UTC time, in mills , as string (optional. default from beginning of time )
- to = time range end, UTC time, in mills , as string (optional. default to current time )
- page= 0..N, page to return (optional. default- 0, initial page )
- pagesize = 50 ( default 100, min 10)
- andparams = [{fld:"note",val:"test", op:"equals" or "contains" },{fld:"sessionid", val:"4efa7d29eb9f47c8aa615f3b74de22d5", op:"equals" or "contains"}] (optional extra parameters applied with AND )
- orparams = [{fld:"note",val:"test", op:"equals" or "contains" },{fld:"sessionid", val:"4efa7d29eb9f47c8aa615f3b74de22d5", op:"equals" or "contains"}] (optional extra parameters applied with OR )
- hrefexp = 7, record access expiration in days (1..30, default 7 ) Available since ver.4.9.6.X
Result data: {draw:100 ,totalcount:10030, page:N, pagesize:N, records: [{field:val...},{field:val..}, .. ] }
3.2.2 Download recording ( download recording file. Recording will be converted to WAV automatically)
GET <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=recording&href=archive_id.record_id.record_type&optional security hash params
href: <archive_id>.<record_id>.<record_type>.<rec_ss>.<rec_hh>
Result data: file downloaded with Content-Type : application/wav
Note : <rec_ss>.<rec_hh>, required since ver. since ver.4.9.6.X . Received via 3.2.1 Find recordings
3.2.3 Access recording by link (open web page with embedded HTML Player) Available since ver.4.9.6.X
GET <recorderhost>/api/link?playlist=archive_id.record_id.record_type&ss=rec_ss&hh=rec_hh
3.2.4 Update recording DB record fields Available since ver.5.0.1.X
POST <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=recording&id=archive_id.record_id.record_type&optional security hash params
- dialed - Dialed number
- caller_id - Caller ID
- note - note.
- session_id - call session id.
- extension - phone extension
- flag - Flag (0-10)
- direction - Call Direction (0- out, 1- in, 2 -unknown)
- device_id - Device ID
3.3 channel-cmd ( simplistic way to send channel commands: "recstart","recstop","mute","unmute","enable","disable","update")
Available only from rev. and newer.
GET <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=channel-cmd&channel=<1-999>&cmd=<command>&<optional security hash parameters>
channel - channel number (1-999) - required
cmd - operation command
Supported operation commands:
"recstart" - start recording
"recstop" - stop recording
"mute" - mute recording
"unmute"- unmute recording
"enable" - enable channel
"disable" - disable channel
"update" - update fields
Call recording Fields.
If present in command line(URL) as an attribute , corresponding call recording fields will be updated by provided values.
- dialed - Dialed number. Applicable only, if call is in progress
- caller_id - Caller ID . Applicable only, if call is in progress
- note - note. Applicable only, if call is in progress
- session_id - call session id. Applicable only, if call is in progress
- extension - phone extension
- flag - Flag (0-10)
- direction - Call Direction (0- out, 1- in, 2 -unknown)
- device_id - Device ID
3.4 call-state and call-states
Available only from rev. and newer.
call-state is an object and collection of values associated with a LIVE call . call-state values make sense only during the call.
Changing some of the values will result in actions performed on the recorder. e.g. record = true, starts recording on specific call etc.
call_state object defined by call_id - parameter available during live call for specific hw channels only. Only SIPREC and VOIP hardware support this feature
Currently Supported locators.
Other call-id Sources can be added on demand (contact Versadial sales)
call_id Source/ Vendor |
HW |
Locator |
SIPREC Metadata/ Oracle SBC |
SIPREC (RFC protocol only) |
<apkt:header label="Call-ID">
SIP header |
Call-ID: |
All supported and readable call values
- call_id - call-id
- channel - channel number (1-256)
- start_tm - start time UTC ( milliseconds)
- direction - call direction (0- out, 1- in, 2 -unknown)
- caller_id - caller Id
- dialed -dialed number
- note - note
- extension - phone extension
- ch_name - channel description
- agent_id - agent id (Call center)
- client_id - client id (Call center)
- session_id - call session id
- source - source (0 - phone, )
- flag - flag ( 0-10) 0 - none
- campaign_id - campaign id (Call center)
- record - recording (true/false)
- mute - muted (true/false)
States used as channel object selector
States changeable via API requests
- mute -true/false
- record -true/false
- dialed - Dialed number. Applicable only, if call is in progress
- caller_id - Caller ID . Applicable only, if call is in progress
- note - note. Applicable only, if call is in progress
- session_id - call session id. Applicable only, if call is in progress
- extension - phone extension
- flag - Flag (0-10)
- direction - Call Direction (0- out, 1- in, 2 -unknown)
- device_id -device id
3.4.1 GET all calls command NOT SUPPORTED
GET <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=calls&optional security hash params
Result data: [{mute:false,record:false,...},{}, .. ]
array of objects for all calls [1..N]
3.4.2 GET call command
GET <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=call&call_id=....&hw=siprec&optional security hash params
Result data: {mute:false,record:false,....}
Single object for requested call_id N.
3.4.3 MUTE Commands (call-state resource)
Sample Channel state change e.g. Mute.
POST <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=call-state&optional security hash params
Required parameters passed as Form
- call_id = call-id
- hw = siprec/voip
- mute= true/false
one or more extra parameters e.g.
- note = " Partially muted".
Result data:""
3.4.4 RECORD Commands (call-state resource)
Sample Call state change e.g. Record.
POST <recorderhost>/api/v1?res=call-state&optional security hash params
Required parameters passed as Form
- call_id= call-id
- hw = siprec/voip
- record= true/false
one or more extra parameters e.g.
Result data:""
4. Sample code
4.1 FORM Parameter passing (C#)
..... for example to mute channel 5
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
string postData = "channel=5&mute=true";
// optionally set note field at the same time
postData += "¬e= + Uri.EscapeDataString("Note value can be Non ASCII");
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
request.ContentLength = data.Length;
using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
result = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
4.2 FORM Parameter passing (VB)
..... for example to mute channel 5
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(uri)
' Set the Method property of the request to POST.
request.Method = "POST"
Dim postData As String = ""
' Create urlencoded form parameters
' for example to mute channel 5
' postData = "channel=5&mute=true";
' Create POST data and convert it to a byte array.
Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData)
' Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
' Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length
' Get the request stream.
Dim dataStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
' Write the data to the request stream.
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
' Close the Stream object.
' Get the response.
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
' Display the status.
' MessageBox.Show(CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusDescription)
' Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()
' Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
' Read the content.
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
' Return the content.
result = responseFromServer
' Clean up the streams.