Archive Recordings and Backup Your Recorder Software Settings
The steps outlined below follow the most common backup and archiving procedure which is applicable for the majority of our customers. For a more detailed backup of Recording and Archiving, please see out Storage and Archives page.
Note: Adutante and VSLogger server settings must be manually backed up. Only actual audio recording data is automatically archived (if archiving is configured).
Archive(Replicate) Recordings - refers to storing additional copies of the recordings to redundant or extended storage or to removable media. Archived recordings can be used to restore recorder in case of the hardware failure.
Settings Backup - refers to storing copies of the VSLogger and Adutante configuration files, as well as Adutante server DB backup (Users, Permissions and QC evaluations and Forms)
To successfully restore failed recorder to the original state, the following should be available:
- VSLogger Server (recording software):
- Recordings (copies of the recordings stored outside the recorder server)
- Settings backup (the configuration files)
- Adutante Server (User management, Permissions, and QC software):
- Settings backup (the configuration files)
- Adutante DB backup (Users, Permissions and QC module evaluations and Forms stored in XML format files)
STEP 1 – Periodically Backup Recorder Software Settings, Users and Permissions
First backup the original server’s settings.
Backing up server settings is currently a manual operation. Most server settings and users changes occur infrequently. Schedule this backup more often if you constantly make changes to the system. However, once every few months is typically ok.
Versadial recommends the backup be located on the networked drive.
Important: Stop Versadial VSLogger Recording Service and Versadial VSLogger Connection Service under Windows "Services". Failing to stop the services and copying files may result in corrupt data.
VSLogger Server Settings Backup:
Two folders within the VSLogger installation must be manually backed up.
- C:\ProgramData\Adutante\vslogger\data (including db subfolder).
- C:\ProgramData\Adutante\vslogger\cert
Note: "Cert" folder will only be available if you previously created your own SSL certificate.
Copy these folders to a safe and known location, such as your Networked Hard Drive
Attention! VSLogger Recording service should be stopped during folder copy. After files have been manually copied to your networked drive, RESTART
Versadial VSLogger Recording Service and
Versadial VSLogger Connection Service under Windows "Services".
Adutante Server Settings Backup:
Two files must be manually backed up from the default location at: C:\Versadial\Adutante\applications\adutante\config
Copy the following files to a safe and known location, such as your Networked Hard Drive
- - Security, Email, and other settings
- - Cisco BIB configurations
Adutante DB Backup(Users, Permissions and QC evaluations) Steps:
- Log into Adutante: (default path: https://localhost:8443/portal/)
- General Administration
- Tools > Backups
- click "Schedule Backup"
- Select "Immediately" > Schedule
- Back up will begin, depending on the size of your data, this may take a few moments.
- Hit browser REFRESH button. Then go back to Tools > Backups
- Your backup should now be listed.
- Take note of the backup folder location, browse to this location to copy/save in another folder (ex C:\Versadial\adutantedata\backups)
- Copy the backup to the networked drive, such as C:\Versadial Files\Adutante
- Depending on the frequency of your backups, you may at this point create a Scheduled backup, thus automatically creating backups in the folder to be copied to your network drive.
STEP 2 - Make sure that Recordings Archiving(Replication) is enabled
As noted in the Storage and Archives page, there are plenty of storage options available: Network shared drive, Removable Drives, FTP site.
For this guide, we will be utilizing a Networked Hard Drive or a USB connected External Hard drive. Before setting up auto-archiving, make sure the networked (or USB) drive is connected and visible by the Recording Server (is visible via Windows Explorer).
Attention!! If archiving(replication) feature is not enabled, you will have only one copy of the recordings stored on the recorder server. In case of a recorder hardware failure, you can lose all of your recordings.
Auto backup creation can be accomplished via:
- CLI; or
- GUI Interface (preferred method - steps below)
If using a Networked Drive:
- Log into VSLogger (default url https://localhost:22443/vslogger)
- Select MAP NETWORK DRIVE button
- From the drop-down, select a letter you want the drive letter to be. example: U.
- In the space provided, input the exact path to the networked drive.
- Example: \\VersadialBackup\Recordings
- Click SAVE button - Drop down will appear, select SAVE AND RELOAD
- Wait for the recorder to restart - Log back in
- Select MAP NETWORK DRIVE and verify the drive is still listed
- Select in the line item NET - EDIT
- For Storage: NET - Click ENABLED; Destination select your newly mapped network drive.
- Under SAVE - Select SAVE and RELOAD
- Log back in - go to SETUP > STORAGE
- Your newly mapped network drive should be displayed under Net Diskset. Verify Storage space is accurate.
- If no space is provided (verify the path is correct, and verify the Local Admin login to the recording PC has Read access)
- Browse via Windows Explorer to your networked drive. Verify recordings are starting to be saved.
- If no recordings are saved, verify that the Local Admin login to the recording PC server has Write access)
Note: It is important that the Windows login has access to the networked drive. If for any reason, recordings are not saved, it is possible the access rights are in conflict. Note, typically VSLogger is installed and setup as a local admin, thus, if you network a specific drive that is only visible to a specific user within your network, VSLogger may not properly see the networked drive and be able to write to the drive. If you require VSLogger to use a specific user created network drive, go to SERVICES > VERSAIDAL VSLOGGER RECORDING SERVICES. Right-click, and select PROPERTIES. Under LOG ON, log in under the appropriate user that also has access to the networked drive. Restart Services.
If using a USB connected External Drive:
- Log into VSLogger (default url https://localhost:22443/vslogger)
- Select in the line item NET - EDIT
- For Storage: NET - Click ENABLED; Destination select the Drive letter associated with your external networked HD (if unsure, find drive letter using Windows Explorer).
- Save and Reload
- Log back in - go to SETUP > STORAGE
- Your newly mapped network drive should be displayed under Net Diskset. Verify Storage space is accurate.
* Additional Notes
If after Saving and Restarting, you do not see your selected mapped drive or external hard drive un NET storage, you may need to do the following.
For some versions of VSLogger, you will need to STOP the Versadial VSLogger Recording service (in the Services) before selecting and adding the networked drive/external hard drive and restarting.