Recorders Admin - Recorder Permissions Tab
The Recorder Permissions section allows you to assign permissions to individual Recorders configured and registered with your instance of Adutante server. You control how users can interact with the specific recorder by granting or revoking user access to specific features.
Permissions can be assigned to individual User or to a Group. Users and groups are defined in General Administration module.

Select the Recorder in the Drop Down selection to assign specific permissions for that recorder. Add or Remove Users or Group to Permissions table.
Recorder permissions separated in several sections:
- Generic Operations - Access to recorder and to individual sections of Recorder UI
- Search View Operations (Provide Permissions with Recordings under the Search Tab when directly connected to recorder)
- Monitor View Operations (Provide Permissions with Recordings under the Live Monitor Tab when directly connected to recorder)
- Permitted Search Channels - channel list or channel selection rules, where Search View Operations apply
- Permitted Monitor Channels - channel list or channel selection rules, where Monitor View Operations apply
Generic Operations
- View Recorder: Allow User/Group to view the recorder on the Recordings tab in Adutante Recorders Module. Without this permission, users won't see the recorder in recorder list and won't be able to even attempt to access recorder UI
- Access Recorder: Allow User/Group to directly connect to recorder. Users with this permission will see "Access Recorder" button in recorders list in Adutante Recorders Module
- Access Monitor Tab: When connected directly to recorder, User/Group has permission to listen live to calls under the Live Monitor Tab.
- Access Search Tab: When connected directly to recorder, User/Group has permission to search and playback recordings under the Search Tab.
- Access Setup Tab: When connected directly to recorder, User/Group has permission to access the Setup Tab on the recorder.
- Note: Administrators by default also will see the STORAGE tab for the recorder.
Search View Operations
- Edit Note: User/Group can create or edit notes attached to recording
- Edit Agent: User/Group can edit agent details assigned to recording
- Mute Recording: User/Group permission to Mute sections of the recording (Ideal for PCI compliance)
- Delete Recording: User/Group permission to physically remove/delete recording from server
- Flag Recording: User/Group permission to assign or change a flag attached to the recording
Monitor View Operations
- Start-Stop Recording: User/Group permission to manually start or stop recording the channel
- Mute Channel: User/Group permission to mute channel during a live call
- Enable Channel: User/Group permission to enable and disable a channel listed under the Monitor tab
- Flag Channel: User/Group permission to flag a live/active call
- Edit note: User/Group permission to edit/create a note for a live/active call
Permitted Search Channels and Permitted Monitor Channels
If User/Group is only assigned or allowed to monitor and search specific channels, here is where you will define those channels for the User/Group. If no channels are defined in this section, User/Group will NOT have access to any channel. Channel List "1-256" gives access to all channels
Extra constraints can be added to limit accessible recordings to specific rule e.g. {Extension equals 101)
Sample combined configuration steps to set user (or Group ) with access to Specific Recorder and with full permissions to Monitor, Search and Reports:
- In General Administration module > Modules Tab > select User (or Group) and grant it Access Permissions to Recorders Module
- In Recorder Administration > Module Permissions Tab > view of your choice, grant select User (Or Group ) permission to "Recorders View"
- In Recorders Administration module, Recorder Permissions Tab, do following:
- select recorder you are giving access to,
- Add User (or Group). Corresponding User(or Group) permissions panel will be added to permissions table
- Generic Operations: grant all permissions except "Access Setup Tools"
- Search related Operations: grant all permissions
- Monitoring related Operations: grant all permissions
- Edit Permitted channels for Search and add channels list 1-256
- Edit Permitted channels for Monitoring and add channels list 1-256
with above configuration, user should be able to:
- access Recorder Module
- see Recorders Tab
- in recorders Tab have selected recorder listed and "Access Recorder" button enabled
- press "Access Recorder" and open VSLogger Monitor UI in separate Window or TAB.
- access Monitoring , Search and Reports tabs where all features enabled